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Jan 10, 2022

Dr. Stu is LA's only OB/Gyn specializing in natural breech, twin and VBAC (Vaginal birth after Cesarean) birth. California law now prevents midwives from providing care for breech and twin deliveries.

In this episode, we will talk about the study 20 years ago that changed it all for women delivering breech in the United States. Dr. Stu covers the different kinds of breech and actual data surrounding breech birth.
From the Head's Up Documentary:
"A breech baby is born nearly every four minutes in the United States. Until the year 2000, a woman could opt to birth her breech baby vaginally or via surgery. Then, in 2001, a study came out that took away one of those options. The study was later found to be faulty, but the damage was already done--vaginal breech birth was almost completely eliminated from medical school training and from delivery rooms."

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